ATL Local Delivery & Worldwide Shipping

Rental Option

Rental option is only for handmade Special Occasion items.  Pay full price and receive deposit back when item is brought back in same good condition no smells, no stains, no rips, no tears or missing stones or pieces. Deposit is different based on item. Rental is only for 48 hours or may be extended longer depending on managers discretion. Must submit copy of ID and put card on file and sign form. If paying in-store it’s cash only. PayPal is not accepted for rental option. If Item is not brought back you will not receive deposit back and full price is in effect. When customer purchase item we will inspect with customer that item is in good condition and customer will sign form to make sure item is in good condition before making payment. Once item is brought back we inspect item in front of customer again and sign form before customer receives deposit back. This is in-store option only unless approved by manager to place order online. 

Once item is returned, you will receive desposit back immediately once brought back in same condition. You may contact us for deposit amount.